Religious Organization / Church Financial Model (5-Year)

A religious organization is considered a non-profit business and require prudent financial models and planning as there are many operational / startup costs that happen. Users need to know how long the organization will take to become sustainable as well as plan for various growth cases given attendances.

$45.00 USD

The template will be immediately available for download after purchase. This is included in the industry-specific financial model bundle.


The first 5 years are usually the most crucial, so this model involves a total of 60 months worth of projections that go out on a monthly and annual basis. Revenue and expense assumptions have been built and tailor specifically to religious organizations such as a church.

Some of the nice expense features include the month you plan on a given operational expense starting and a simple switch to turn it on/off (as well as determining the actual cost of each item).

For revenue you are going to build assumptions for each year. This includes the average earnings of households in the area, average percentage of income that is tithed, and average amount of net new tithing units added per month in each of the 5 years.

The monthly and annual cash flow summaries include possible debt payments as well as a running cash/debt balance. You will also see the break-even month given the scenarios you built.

Unique descriptions and comments have been left in relevant cells as well as a 'notes' tab to help define some of the expense items listed and how it may or may not effect your specific situation.