
These financial model templates are designed to be one-size-fits-most, but occasionally you may have a different way that you wish the model to work, want a few modifications, or just have some questions. That is completely fine and you can email me about it, see below.

If you would like to directly ask me questions, or want a quote on custom financial modeling work, contact me:


How I Track Client Billable Time, Balance, and Client View

  • I usually respond within 30 minutes.
  • You can buy credit hours for custom work here.
  • Check out the beginners guide here.
  • Typical turnaround time is 24-48 hours.

Summary of Lifetime Billings from SmartHelping

275 Total Custom Jobs on SmartHelping from July 16, 2017 - June 2, 2024

The charts above provide an overview of the expected time and cost associated with a typical custom financial modeling job. I update them every three or four months, incorporating data from every client I have served through SmartHelping, including their lifetime billings (total hours and cost in USD).

This analysis doesn't include work I've done through other vendor platforms.

Billable Hour Promotion: If you pay for 1 hour of billable work here, you can get one $45 template at no charge (scales up for as many credit hours as you buy).

excel pro forma template services

Check out all financial model templates in one bundle here. There are also great discounts when buying by category.

Check out the new SmartHelping Plus program where you get access to all the custom template work that I do every month.