Lease and Tenant Management System with Printable Monthly Reports

 Easily track and create monthly reports for all your units/tenants with this tenant management template. It was built in Excel and has an auto-generating report dashboard that is formatted to be printable on landscape 9.5 x 11.

$45.00 USD

After purchase, the template will be immediately available to download. I've also added a Google Sheet version that has some advanced filtering functionality and access is included in the file. This template is also included in the real estate models bundle.

tenant management system

This real estate template was designed for the user to enter their tenant data and have monthly reports generated that display key information about the state of all tenants, vacancies, and rents past due.

Template Features
  • Dashboard Report Displays:
    • Total units / rooms available
    • Active tenants
    • Total vacant units
    • Vacancy rate
    • Total monthly rent due
    • Average past due amount per unit
    • Monthly rent paid and variance from total due
    • Total delinquent units
    • Total unpaid rent
    • Total pet fees
    • Lease Renewals in next 30 days
    • Current maintenance issues
    • Current Tenant Disputes
    • Average lease term (months)
    • Total security Deposits
The template is easy to use. Simply load in data for all your tenants / units and then update each row as information changes. You can also use it each month to track actual rent collected and compare that to the total rent.

A comprehensive tenant management report provides an organized and detailed account of the various facets of managing tenants within a rental property. Having a good report can be beneficial for several reasons:
  • Financial Overview: A tenant management report provides an up-to-date record of rent payments, security deposits, outstanding dues, and any other financial transactions. This ensures that property managers and landlords can track and manage cash flow effectively.
  • Maintenance Tracking: By keeping a record of maintenance requests and their resolutions, property managers can ensure that repairs are carried out promptly. This also helps in planning future maintenance and improvements.
  • Legal Compliance: Maintaining a thorough record can be invaluable if there are legal disputes or if there's a need to provide documentation to legal authorities. Records of agreements, payment histories, and communications can serve as evidence.
  • Tenant Behavior and History: A detailed report can give insights into the behavior and reliability of tenants. This can help in making decisions about lease renewals and in selecting future tenants.
  • Operational Efficiency: A good report can streamline operations by providing ready access to critical data, thereby reducing time spent on administrative tasks.
  • Effective Communication: By documenting all interactions and communications with tenants, any miscommunications or misunderstandings can be easily rectified.
  • Vacancy and Occupancy Rates: Understanding vacancy durations and turnover rates can provide insights into market conditions, the attractiveness of the property, and the efficacy of marketing strategies.
  • Budgeting and Forecasting: Past financial data and occupancy trends can help in making projections for future revenues and expenses.
  • Decision Making: A comprehensive report provides valuable data, which can be used to make informed decisions regarding property investments, renovations, or changes in rental pricing.
  • Vendor Management: If the report includes details on vendors (for repairs, maintenance, cleaning, etc.), it can be helpful to evaluate their performance and costs, ensuring you get the best service for your money.
  • Risk Management: Identifying recurring issues, be it related to a specific tenant or a property feature, can help in mitigating risks early on.
  • Increase Property Value: By actively managing and maintaining properties based on the insights from the report, landlords can boost the property's value and desirability in the rental market.
  • Stakeholder Communication: For property owners with investors or stakeholders, a tenant management report serves as a tool to keep them updated on the property's performance and any pertinent issues.
  • Record Keeping: Proper documentation and record-keeping are essential for tax purposes and to ensure compliance with local regulations.
  • Feedback Loop: Through consistent reporting, property managers and landlords can get feedback on their management practices and strategies, allowing for continuous improvement.
In conclusion, a robust tenant management report not only aids in the efficient administration of rental properties but also serves as an essential tool for strategic decision-making, risk mitigation, and ensuring a positive tenant-landlord relationship.

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